Brain Storm (#1)

A brief poem, with coffee.

1 min readFeb 18, 2020

When I arrived at the coffee house, and was

comfortably seated,

the sun was just setting into the

leftover gray of the rain.

I was dipping almond biscotti in coffee, and

letting it sog a little before ending it —

my aching belly.

When I next looked up from my

selfish spread —

laptop, coffee,

empty plate for biscotti, brainstorms —

the sun, and the gray, were gone.

Headlights lit up wet road,

the grit of city nighttime.

I was two or three ideas more than two hours before.

Composed at Smokey Row Coffee House in Des Moines, Iowa. 2.17.20.




A mix of short fiction and memoir, with the occasional bit of longform commentary. E-mail: | Instagram: @dustyeub96